Medication Made Simple™
Unleashing the Power of Medication Adherence: Empowering Pharmacists, Patients, and Caregivers for Better Health Outcomes
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Jones Healthcare Group Earns Top Honour for Packaging Innovation at PAC Global Awards
Packaging Excellence: FlexRx One Medication Adherence Packaging Recognized for Technical Innovation and Carbon Reduction
PAC Global Nominates FlexRx™ One Medication Adherence Packaging for 2025 Awards
Jones Healthcare Group is honoured to be nominated for two PAC Global Awards for its FlexRx™ One blister pack.
Preserving Health, Protecting the Planet: The Path Toward Sustainable Blister Packs
As the demand for sustainability grows, pharmacy chains are increasingly holding packaging suppliers accountable for their environmental efforts. Single-use packaging across all industries is a significant environmental issue, with the majority of waste in landfills and oceans coming from the packaging industry.
Transforming Medication Management: the Low-Cost Solution to Improve Health Outcomes for At-Risk Patients
Medication adherence packaging, also known as blister packs, have been widely used in pharmacies across the world as an effective and low-cost way of improving medication adherence – especially for at-risk patient groups such as seniors at home, patients starting maintenance medications, or those living with cognitive decline, visual impairment or language barriers.
The Future of Unit-Dose Blister Pack Design
Today, more pharmacies are implementing full or partial automation to fill unit-dose blister packs with medications. It’s just one way teams can focus more time on primary patient care instead of repetitive dispensing tasks. Automation also helps teams enhance dispensing accuracy and consistency.
Why Blister Packs Are a Better Option for Medication Management
We know blister pack medication adherence packaging makes it easier for people to manage prescriptions – the research shows it. But what else can blister packs offer when it comes to medication and patient safety? Let’s explore the important features of these tools in more detail.
5 Game-Changing Trends Shaping the Future of Healthcare
Exciting, new developments in healthcare are on the horizon. They’ll impact everything from how we take prescription medications to the environment and caregiving. Innovation is being driven in part by the rising cost of drugs, an aging population of boomers and a shortage of long-term care facilities to accommodate them.
Battling Anxiety or Depression? Critical Information About Your Prescription Medications
Over the last two years, the number of people experiencing depression and anxiety has increased by 25 per cent, according to the World Health Organization. And about one in four Americans suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder.
How Getting to Know Your Pharmacist Can Help You Age More Healthily
When’s the last time you had a chat with your pharmacist? If you’re like many Americans, it has been a while. That’s unfortunate because pharmacists are invaluable resources and play important roles in your personal healthcare team, alongside doctors, nurses and other professionals.
Look to the Latest New Technology to Improve Your Health
Ensuring patients take their medications correctly is an age-old problem for doctors and pharmacists. Healthcare professionals understand that prescription drugs must be taken as recommended – at minimum, 80 per cent of the time to get adequate therapeutic benefits.
Discover a New Option for Caregivers to Manage Medications More Effectively
Caregivers play an essential role in the United States. There are 34.2 million Americans who have provided unpaid support to an adult over the age of 50 in the last year, according to the National Alliance of Caregiving.
Commit to Doing This One Simple Act to Achieve Better Health
When managing chronic conditions, such as hypertension and diabetes, patients do not take medications properly 50 per cent of the time, which increases the possibility of complications and worsening health.