Helping your patients manage medications

Over a Century of Pharmacy Partnership

Jones offers solutions helping pharmacies enhance patient care.

We’ve been working with pharmacists for over 100 years to develop prescription packaging solutions that improve patient health and pharmacy operations. It started with apothecary packaging for pharmacists, so they could safely dispense medications to patients. 

Today, we serve more than 14,500 pharmacies in 15 countries. Our range of customizable medication adherence products help pharmacies enhance patient care, drive growth and respond to evolving regulations.

Blister packs improve adherence and support good health.

Supporting Better Health Outcomes

According to the World Health Organization, improving medication adherence may have a greater impact on population health than any other specific improvement in medical treatment. Blister packs have been shown to improve adherence rates from 61% to as much as 97%. 

Blister packaging improves connection in patient care.

Enhancing the Pharmacist’s Role

Blister packs improve communication and collaboration with other healthcare providers and reinforce patient trust in pharmacy as a primary care provider. 

Medication management options extend pharmacy offerings.

Expanding Pharmacy’s Primary Care Services

When patients receive one-on-one care and consultation from their pharmacist, they’re more likely to follow their medication schedules. Ongoing use of blister packs as a professional service creates a regular dialogue with patients and prompts prescription refills, which helps both pharmacies and patients stay on track. 

Why Our Blister Packs Are Better 

Multi-dose blister packs with automated filling.

Blister packs designed for
pharmacy automation

Our blister packs integrate seamlessly with automated filling machines like SynMed® and VBM technology. We’re integrated into multiple automated workflow technologies across North America and Europe. 

Blister packs available in eco-friendly designs.

Sustainable packaging for
a better tomorrow

Our blister packs are the first to use Bio-PET, a recyclable bio-based plastic made from sugar waste. 

Medication management designed for patient usability.

Easy to use for patients
of all ages

Solutions designed for patient usability, including easy-access medication compartments, clear instructions, and detachable compartment options for patients on the go. Our smart and connected adherence packaging helps patients, caregivers and healthcare providers track adherence in real time. 

Our Pharmacy Customers

“Everything is right there for customers, which helps not only with adherence, but also prevents medication errors. Blister cards are better than having to wrangle seven or eight individual vials.”

— Jennifer MotchnikManager of Pharmacy Compliance Packaging, Rite Aid
“During the first year of [a Jones Healthcare Group medication adherence packaging program], an 80% decrease in hospital admissions was observed, doubling the patients with optimal knowledge of their treatment and tripling the degree of adherence to them – results that have been reproduced year after year with similar figures.”

— Sandra Ballester de Pedro, Technical Secretary of the Official College of Pharmacists of Soria
“Jones Healthcare was able to professionally design a custom FlexRx™ cover for my medication adherence patients that highlights my brand and messaging.

The finished product exceeded my expectations, and my patients appreciate the privacy and non-institutional appearance that the cover provides.

Customization makes my adherence products look unique and exclusive to my pharmacy and that differentiates us from our competitors.”

— Scott Coulter, Owner, Coulter’s Pharmacy & Home Health Care
Pharmacy automation saves time filling medications.

Supporting the Path
to Automation

Pharmacies are turning to automation technologies to improve medication dispensing accuracy, increase capacity and enhance workflow efficiency, so you can focus more time on patient care.  

Our shared commitment to consumer well-being and medication safety has led us to develop a growing line of adherence packaging for a range of automation technologies.