Sustainable product development for a better tomorrow.
Increasing circular design to decrease environmental footprint
Sustainability is as important for us as it is for our pharmacy customers and their patients. That’s why we design our medication adherence products with circularity in mind by selecting materials and suppliers that lower environmental footprints and maintain the necessary specifications for healthcare packaging.
We’ve already introduced the first and only 100% recyclable bio-based plastic blister to the medication adherence packaging market, and we won’t stop there. Our business is committed to creating fully recyclable medication adherence products by the end of 2025.
Bio-PET Blister
Made from 30% renewable, bio-derived content (sugar cane by-product)
Chemically equivalent to PET #1 plastic
100% recyclable
An environmentally responsible alternative to PVC
Sustainable Forestry Initiative® and Forest Stewardship Council® Certifications
Carded blister packs are made from SFI and FSC® certified paperboard
Fibre is sourced from responsibly managed forests
Both certifications impose restrictions on harvesting and also require a chain of custody system to ensure fibers in packaging can be traced back to the forests from which they were harvested
Packaging Lifecycle Assessment
We evaluate packaging using EcoImpact-COMPASS® lifecycle assessment technology
This includes quantifying and comparing environmental footprints for new products in areas such as greenhouse emissions, water use, fossil fuel use, human impact and material circularity
Featuring Qube Pro
Award-winning Sustainable Design
41% less CO2 emissions
31% lighter
21% reduction in fossil fuel usage
Featuring FlexRx™ One
Re-imagined Unit-dose Blister Pack
57% less CO2 emissions
32% lighter
22% reduction in fossil fuel usage
We partner with global organizations and associations, such as Sustainable Medicines Partnership (SMP) and Global Self-Care Federation.
Our involvement as founding members of the SMP demonstrates our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. By collaborating with YewMaker and other organizations in the SMP, we are working toward reducing the avoidable waste of medicines and medicines packaging, which helps reduce healthcare emissions and increase health equity globally.
Through these collaborations, we share expertise and knowledge with other leaders in the industry, while also bringing new ideas and best practices to the markets they serve with a focus on sustainability and minimizing environmental impact.
This approach also helps us maintain a leadership position in regulatory compliance, technological advances, and best practices.
Sustainability at
Jones Healthcare Group
In 2021, Jones Healthcare Group achieved an important milestone by diverting 100% of waste at our Medi-Clear facility in Hull, UK from landfill to recycling or recovery. This achievement is in line with the company’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030, with a 6% reduction so far.
We take part in supplier sustainability assessments through EcoVadis and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). Our annual disclosure through these market-leading supply chain assessment programs allows our clients to assess our performance and risk, based on comparable international sustainability standards.
Discover our progress in the areas of environment, social responsibility and business model innovation.